Each product has its own specifics, so a single universal way to succeed does not exist. However, we know exactly what steps to take to avoid mistakes!
Not just code
Mobile app
development is
App development stagesWe will help you find the shortest way from the idea to the first user. And we will support the project from both the technical and the product perspective.
App Development Stages
Based on the goal, the first thing is to analyze the world experience and achieving it in the chosen niche.
All the people needs are already satisfied. It is impossible to satisfy some new need. If we want something, then somehow, even if it’s terribly inefficient, but we get it. Hence the conclusion: people are already solving the problem that you want to solve for them. You can only offer faster, cheaper, more convenient way. But why doesn’t anyone use this method? If they tried, why didn’t it work? Or if it worked, due to what? Will this success could be repeated in a new environment?
There are many of us in the world, and someone has already spent a huge amount of time and effort to develop experience in this area. Ignore this knowledge is really irrational.
Marketing plan
Yes, you need it at this very moment. Creating a new tool, and then looking for a way to use it, is not a wise plan.
The whole process of creating a product is marketing. Every solution, from integrating analytics and split testing systems to button layouts, is dictated by marketing. Everything is subordinated to it because this is the whole essence of creating a product - achieving a marketing goal.
The technical specifications should also include all the analytics and marketing requirements. The main question that this document answers is how exactly will the product attract an audience?
Technical specifications
Detailed product description that will be used by analysts, designers, programmers and testers. All team members should have a complete understanding of the service on the basis of this document.
It describes use cases (how a user logs in to the app, how to delete an account, what filters can be used when sorting content, whether external devices should be supported), screen structure (located elements, navigation between sections of the app), hard technical requirements (minimum supported version of operating systems, requirements for horizontal orientation and workability on tablets), server requirements (data protection, ensuring the required load, etc.) and many other factors.
Creating an analytical report, marketing plan and technical specifications is a key stage in product development. All project members should have a common understanding of market goals and how to achieve them.
UI - appearance, and UX - functionality - integral parts of a single unit. Design, like all other blocks, should work. A good design is not noticed when using it, but you feel that everything is very convenient and intuitive. It causes aesthetic pleasure and a sense of integrity.
An interface is a working tool for a specific audience and specific purpose. The designer, when creating it, relies on all developed documents about the designed product in order to understand its aspects.
UI / UX is necessarily tested for the target audience through clickable prototypes. The hypotheses that are laid in the creation of the interface should be tested in practice until they are implemented at the development stage.
It is believed that programming is the essential part of the entire product creation process. That is wrong: programming is an integral stage, but other steps are no less important and difficult.
Programmers, however, have the lion's share of responsibility for the correct functioning of the product, as they do things that are sometimes difficult to fix. If the color scheme, logo, and company advertising is easy to change and quickly start trying another option, then the incorrectly written app architecture will require many hours for rewriting the software part.
Engineering work is complicated, but almost always fun. A good programmer will tell you the best solutions that were missed at the stage of drafting the technical specifications, and joins the discussion of all application creation stages.
Quality analyze
QA is an integral part of development. Software products are complex pieces of thousands of lines of code. Situations for users happen completely differently: the phone turned off during the incomplete payment process, the network disappeared when sending the message, the memory on the device ran out and so on, and all of them should be foreseen by the programmer.
As you know, it is impossible to foresee everything, so the only way to make sure that the product is working is to extensively test it in practice and with great attention quality. Some use cases are checked automatically, some manually, but always on several devices and in different situations.
The work is not easy: any errors that occur among different users are considered a mistake of testers. However, this work should be done in any case, and the main task is to transfer it from users to the development stage.
The opinion that it is required to spend five times more efforts to promote a digital product than to create it directly is not far from the truth.
Why do large companies buy teams of several people for hundreds of millions of dollars when it is much cheaper to make an analogue themselves? They are not buying a product, they are buying an audience and a relationship with it. Attracted and retained user attention is the main and most valuable asset of our time.
Each audience is unique, each needs its own approach and its own strategy. The key, as always, lies in solving the problem of people: if it turns out to be done efficiently and clearly, capaciously, it is easy to convey this solution to users, it will be possible to create a kernel that will grow dynamically.
The methodology for promoting the app is laid before its creation, at the stage of developing a marketing strategy. It is important.
The product needs not only technical support. Modern mobile apps are services that are updated at a fast pace, respond quickly to changes in customer needs and reflect the events of the world.
If a problem occurs, you need to solve it and turn it to the benefit of customers. Personal greetings on holidays are always perceived warmly. Continuous small improvements are perceived as pleasant properties of a living developing product.
The times when a software product was created and unshakably launched onto the market are long gone. Modern services are planned as a continuous chain of updates, in which the correct emphasis on the appearance of the right functionality at the right time is the key to success.